Enhanced Security for Check Payments
Positive Pay, Check Positive Pay, Check Payee Positive Pay and Reverse Positive Pay are all valuable tools organizations can use to help guard against check fraud and fraud losses.
Check Positive Pay
Check Positive Pay is easy to use and adds an essential layer of security to your bank accounts. First, you can use our template to list checks you’ve issued. Then, upload the list into online banking manually or through a direct connection to your internal accounting system. We compare that list against the checks presented for payment and pay only the checks you’ve listed.
If any exceptions are detected, you’ll be notified by email or text message. You can review the check images online and decide whether to pay or return each exception item.
Check Payee Positive Pay
This add-on service provides another layer of protection on top of Check Positive Pay. We confirm the payee name, in addition to the check amount and check number, before releasing payment.
Reverse Positive Pay
With this tool, you review a list of all the checks that have been presented for payment from your account. Only the checks you approve will be processed for payment.
Prevent ACH Payment Fraud
Help protect your business from electronic fraud in Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit transactions with our ACH Positive Pay and ACH Debit Block1. These tools can assist in guarding against fraud losses in transactions such as debits and electronic payments.
ACH Positive Pay
Create, maintain and update a list of preapproved payments. We will pay only the transactions you’ve expressly authorized. You can set customized payment rules for each account, and you’ll have the opportunity to review exceptions. Unauthorized ACH debits will be credited back into your account.
ACH Debit Block
This feature completely blocks all ACH debit transactions. Any incoming ACH debit is automatically returned to the originating bank.
How We Protect Your Data
Proper safety measures can provide enhanced confidentiality and security for your online banking transactions. We take the following measures to help protect your privacy and the security of your accounts:
Secured Access to Online Banking
To access online banking, you must enter a user ID and password.
Password Lockout
We use a password lockout system to keep unauthorized users from accessing your account by guessing your password. If your password is entered incorrectly three consecutive times, the user is locked out of the system, and you’ll need to contact us for your account to be reset and unlocked.
Account Nicknames
Our secured online banking system allows you to choose a nickname for each of your accounts — for example, Checking, Payroll and Money Market.
Secured Data Transfer
Encryption rewrites specific data in a code, which can be decoded later with the right “key.” When you request information about your accounts, the information is sent across the web to and from Western Alliance Bank in an encrypted format so that you, and no one else, can read it.
Other Security Measures
In addition to the above safeguards, sophisticated firewalls and an authentication process are in place so that only authorized users are allowed to enter Western Alliance’s banking system.
We’re ready to help you get more from your business banking relationship. Find out how we can add value to your business with responsiveness, innovative solutions and bankers who enjoy helping you reach your goals.
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We’re ready to help you get more from your business banking relationship. Find out how we can add value with responsiveness, innovative solutions and bankers who enjoy helping you meet your goals.
5335 Kietzke Lane
Reno, NV 89511
United States

1. Requires enrollment in Business Online Banking. Some products and services may be subject to prior approval or fees. Refer to disclosures provided at account opening, the Business Schedule of Fees, and Pro Forma for additional information.