Equipment Finance

Funding the Tools You Need

Our specialized expertise in equipment financing for a range of industries means we can meet a wide variety of financing needs for individual businesses as well as equipment manufacturers. No matter your industry, count on us for smart financing options and exceptional responsiveness.

Our Equipment Financing Solutions

Offering a wide range of capital markets solutions, Western Alliance Equipment Finance works to be a trusted resource. You benefit over the short and long term from our commitment to building relationships and providing ready access to decision-makers.

Equipment Financing: Key Features1

Working with Western Alliance Equipment Finance means you’ll have a responsive contact with the access and flexibility to meet a wide variety of your equipment financing needs. Key features of our financing offerings include:

  • Transaction targeting
  • Profiling middle market (>25MM) investment grade to BB-
  • Term lengths of 3-7 years
  • Pricing indexed to term swap
  • Required spread based on credit rating
  • Variable residual risk based on asset
  • 100% advance rate of equipment cost

Equipment Financing Options1

You’re not just looking for an equipment loan — you’re looking for the right loan that meets the unique needs of your business. Our expert equipment financing bankers work to understand your needs and find the best fit, which may include:

  • Operating leases including:
    • Fair market value (FMV)
    • Fixed FMV
    • Terminal rental adjustment clause (TRAC)
  • Finance leases
  • Loans secured by equipment (can include infrastructure costs)
  • Tenant improvement consideration
  • Assignment of lease rentals

Types of Equipment We Finance

We have experience providing equipment loans and business banking solutions across a variety of sectors, including:

  • Healthcare
  • IT
  • Manufacturing
  • Software/services
  • Aircraft
  • Energy management
  • Construction
  • Trucks/trailers

Every hospital project has its own personality, and within this space we need a finance partner that is willing to tailor solutions — for real estate, equipment and operating capital — and Western Alliance, in our experience, is that resource.

Tim Hand , MDM Rock Regional Medical Center & Three Crosses Medical Center


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We specialize in delivering capital markets solutions in equipment financing for a wide variety of industries and sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, software services, energy management, construction, transportation and more. The group’s in-depth experience combines with expert, personalized service and innovative banking options to help clients nationwide meet their business goals.

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Bridge Bank Headquarters

55 Almaden Boulevard
Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95113
United States

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Bridge Bank Headquarters

1. All offers of credit are subject to credit approval, satisfactory legal documentation, and regulatory compliance. Borrowers are responsible for any appraisal and environmental fees plus customary closing costs, including title, escrow, documentation fees and may be responsible for any bank fees including bridge loan, construction loan, and packaging fees.